Monthly Archives: August 2015

Guiding Principles

Your mission, vision, and purpose (Guiding Principles) act as a road map for your life. Your Guiding Principles ought to include your life goals, morals, values, and belief systems. These principles can help you choose a direction for your life and help you spend your time more wisely. Sadly most individuals have no direction for their lives. If you have no direction for your life, you will find yourself using directions someone else has given you. Following another person’s Guiding Principles will only lead to their goals being accomplished, not yours. I believe this is why we have a depression rate that is at its all-time high. I think this is a contributing factor to why we have individuals in our society that are not productive.

Your mission is your life goal. Your vision is how it will look when completed. Your purpose is your reason for achieving the goal. I think that everyone should have a written guiding principle statement. You need to make sure that everyone in your life has one. When people have self-direction and a reason for doing something they achieve more and lead a less stressful life.

Keep in mind when your guiding principles are clear the prices you pay for achieving your goals will never be too high. When your guiding principles are unclear, the price is always too high.

The act of creating your guiding principles may not be an easy task. This process may take several days, weeks, or even months. I share this with you not to discourage you, but to let you know this may not be a simple endeavor. The result will be worth fighting your way through this process.

If you would like to receive a worksheet that might help, you create your guiding principles contact Ursulette at 304-17-9421 or by e-mail at Visit Plus like Fresh Horizons’ Facebook page. #freshfriday #freshhorizons

Proper Time Management Equals Success!

Proper time management is the most effective and efficient way to utilize your time. The choices you make regarding how you spend your time is a huge factor in determining your level of success and personal prosperity. Leveraging your time is a skill you must choose to acquire.
You have to make choices every day some hard, some easy. Over the years of working with people I have discovered one choice that many find difficult to make; choosing to succeed. People find it hard to succeed in life because they are waiting for the secret key to achieving success. Success has nothing to do with secrets, keys, or tips. You must make a conscious decision to succeed. Successful people do daily what unsuccessful people occasionally do. Choose success every day! You write your success daily, make sure you write your future the way you want it to look. Remember, your success lies in your daily choices and the activities that support your choices.
Time is a precious commodity, use it wisely! To learn more about how to manage your time contact Ursulette Huntley at 304-617-9421. You can e-mail Ursulette at To stay in the know about personal growth and ways to improve your life visit and sign up for our e-newsletter and like Fresh Horizons on Facebook. #freshfriday #designyourlife